
Our mission statement at Leo Laprimo Custom Homes is to materialize your dream home into reality. After more than two decades in the industry, we know how complex and stressful building a home can be. We will be by your side at every step to ease the burden and ensure the home is exactly how you envisioned it.

Our trusted build process consists of 5 stages:

First and foremost, we are here to listen to you. Consultation is when you share with us your vision and goals for the home. We will walk you through our portfolio of previous projects and earn your trust that we are the right builders for your new home.  If you decide we are the best fit, our team will review all the estimates, budgetary restrictions and deadlines and sign off on the contract.

Our team believes collaboration produces the best results. We will combine your input with the expertise of architects and interior designers to finalize the architectural/engineering plans that accommodate every aspect of your vision.

Upon receipt and approval of the final plans, our team will finalize the budget with you. Our aim is to ensure you are informed of every dollar you are spending. The strong connections our team has built within the industry will ensure you are receiving the most value. We will further inform you with regular updates throughout the project to keep you in the loop.

Our team will carry out the construction of your home in 3 phases; site work, rough-in & framing and finishing. Our experienced project managers will be on site to supervise every step of the build, making certain that the work adheres to your vision and is of the highest quality. Upon completion of the build, we will conduct a final inspection to receive a Certificate of Occupancy.

After construction, we will conduct a walkthrough of the home with you to ensure every aspect is up to standard and that all deficiencies are rectified prior to the move-in date. The last step is for us to provide you with a New Home Warranty certificate and final invoice. Then, the home is yours and you are ready to move in!